Refereed Conference Papers and Abstracts

  1. K. Shabbir, B. Leard, S. T. Paruchuri, T. Rafiq, E. Schuster, A Neural Network Version of the Multi-Mode Model for Fast Simulations in DIII-D, 66th Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Atlanta, GA, USA, October 7-11, 2024.
  2. F. Galfrascoli, Z. Wang, E. Schuster, Physics-Informed Neural-Network Surrogate Model for the Inverse Equilibrium Solution in the EAST Tokamak, 66th Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Atlanta, GA, USA, October 7-11, 2024.
  3. N. Rist, S. T. Paruchuri, E. Schuster, Reinforcement Learning-Based Control of the Safety Factor Profile and Normalized Beta in Tokamaks, 66th Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Atlanta, GA, USA, October 7-11, 2024.
  4. B. Leard, T. Rafiq, E. Schuster, Dual Transport and Equilibrium Scenario Optimization for NSTX-U using COTSIM, 66th Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Atlanta, GA, USA, October 7-11, 2024.
  5. T. Singh, T. Rafiq, E. Schuster, A. Kuley and Z. Lin Global Gyrokinetic Simulations of the Kinetic Ballooning Mode in NSTX-U Plasmas, 66th Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Atlanta, GA, USA, October 7-11, 2024.
  6. H. Al Khawaldeh, S. T. Paruchuri, V. Graber, T. Rafiq, E. Schuster, A. Pajares, J.W. Juhn, Advanced Density Control for ITER-emulated scenarios on DIII-D via Adaptive Control Techniques, 66th Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Atlanta, GA, USA, October 7-11, 2024.
  7. S. T. Paruchuri, H. Al Khawaldeh, V. Graber, Z. Wang, N. Rist, I. Ward, T. Rafiq, E. Schuster, A. Pajares, J.W. Juhn, Assessing Model-based and Learning-based Strategies for Active Density Regulation in ITER, 66th Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Atlanta, GA, USA, October 7-11, 2024.
  8. V. Graber, E. Schuster, Nonlinear Output-feedback Burn Control with an Optimal Reference Governor and Actuator Allocator, 66th Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Atlanta, GA, USA, October 7-11, 2024.
  9. I. Ward, V. Graber, N. Rist, S. T. Paruchuri, E. Schuster, Burn Control in ITER Using a Reinforcement-learning-based Neural Network, 66th Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Atlanta, GA, USA, October 7-11, 2024.
  10. T. Rafiq, J. Weiland, E. Schuster, Capabilities of MMM to Predict Plasma Profiles and Physics Phenomena in Tokamaks, 66th Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Atlanta, GA, USA, October 7-11, 2024.
  11. B. Leard, T. Rafiq, E. Schuster, Towards Scenario Optimization and Control in NSTX-U by Machine-Learning-Enhanced Equilibrium and Transport Modeling Using COTSIM, 33rd Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT), Dublin, Ireland, September 22-27, 2024.
  12. H. Al Khawaldeh, S.T. Paruchuri, T. Rafiq, E. Schuster, Simultaneous Regulation of the Dimensionless Gain and Density by Real-time Estimation of Confinement Times, 33rd Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT), Dublin, Ireland, September 22-27, 2024.
  13. Z. Wang, E. Schuster, T. Rafiq, Y. Huang, Z. Luo, Q. Yuan, J. Barr, Model-based Scenario Control in EAST by Leveraging COTSIM’s Prediction Capabilities, 33rd Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT), Dublin, Ireland, September 22-27, 2024.
  14. V. Graber, E. Schuster, One-dimensional Simulations of Nonlinear Burn Control in ITER, 33rd Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT), Dublin, Ireland, September 22-27, 2024.
  15. S. T. Paruchuri, H. Al Khawaldeh, V. Graber, E. Schuster, A. Pajares, J-W. Juhn, Safe Reinforcement Learning-based Controller for Disruption Free Regulation of Plasma Density in Next-generation Tokamaks, 33rd Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT), Dublin, Ireland, September 22-27, 2024.
  16. E. Schuster, B. Leard, T. Rafiq, Optimization Strategies for Model-based Scenario Planning in Tokamaks Based on Different Types of Equilibrium Solvers, 50th European Physical Society (EPS) Conference on Plasma Physics (CPP), Salamanca, Spain, July 8-12, 2024.
  17. E. Schuster, S. T. Paruchuri, H. Al Khawaldeh, V. Graber, T. Sing, A. Pajares, J-W. Juhn, S. Park, Advanced Model-based Density Control on KSTAR as Testbed for ITER Operation, 3rd International Fusion and Plasma Conference (iFPC 2024), Seoul, South Korea, June 24-28, 2024.
  18. V. Graber, E. Schuster, Divertor-safe Nonlinear Burn Control Using a Reference Governor Based on a Core-edge Model with SOLPS Scalings, 65th Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Denver, CO, USA, October 30 – November 3, 2023.
  19. H. Al Khawaldeh, S.T. Paruchuri, T. Rafiq, E. Schuster, Model-Based Control of the Dimensionless Gain in KSTAR by Leveraging Real-time Estimation of the Confinement Time, 65th Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Denver, CO, USA, October 30 – November 3, 2023.
  20. Z. Wang, S. Morosohk, S.T. Paruchuri,E. Schuster, Current Profile Control in EAST via Reinforcement-Learning-based Model Predictive Control, 65th Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Denver, CO, USA, October 30 – November 3, 2023.
  21. S. Morosohk, Z. Wang, S.T. Paruchuri, T. Rafiq, E. Schuster, Simultaneous Regulation of the Electron Temperature and Safety Factor Profiles for DIII-D using Optimal Control Methods, 65th Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Denver, CO, USA, October 30 – November 3, 2023.
  22. B. Leard, T. Rafiq, S. Morosohk, Z. Wang, E. Schuster, Integration of MMMNet for NSTX-U into COTSIM to Enable Fast and Accurate Predictions for Scenario Planning and Control Applications, 65th Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Denver, CO, USA, October 30 – November 3, 2023.
  23. X. Song, Z. Wang, B. Leard, T. Rafiq, E. Schuster, Scenario Planning in Tokamaks by Integrating Free-boundary Equilibrium and Fast Transport Solvers into a Model-based Optimization Scheme, 65th Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Denver, CO, USA, October 30 – November 3, 2023.
  24. S.T. Paruchuri, E. Schuster, Incorporating Gas Puffing Delays into Density Control Synthesis in Tokamak Reactors By Combining Optimal Control and Reinforcement Learning Techniques, 65th Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Denver, CO, USA, October 30 – November 3, 2023.
  25. T. Rafiq, C. Wilson, J. Weiland, L. Whitall, E. Schuster, Towards Efficient and Practical Models for Energetic Particle Transport in Tokamaks, 65th Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Denver, CO, USA, October 30 – November 3, 2023.
  26. J. Weiland, T. Rafiq, and E. Schuster, Exploring Experimental Isotope Scaling in Tokamak Transport, 65th Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Denver, CO, USA, October 30 – November 3, 2023.
  27. S.M. Morosohk, B. Leard, T. Rafiq, E. Schuster, Rapid Model-Based Scenario Optimization Using Machine Learning, 29th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, London, UK, October 16-21, 2023.
  28. A. Pajares, W.P. Wehner, A.S. Welander, D. Humphreys, E. Schuster, Advanced Control in DIII-D: Supervisory and Fail-safe Algorithms for Future Reactor-grade Tokamaks, 29th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, London, UK, October 16-21, 2023.
  29. J. Weiland, T. Rafiq, E. Schuster, Nonlinearities in Magnetic Confinement, Ionospheric Physics, and Population Explosion Leading to Profile Resilience, 29th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, London, UK, October 16-21, 2023.
  30. T. Rafiq, C. Wilson, C.F. Clauser, E. Schuster, J. Weiland, J. Anderson, S. Kaye, A. Pankin, B. LeBlanc, R. Bell, Plasma Profile Prediction in NSTX Discharges Using the Updated Multi-Mode Anomalous Transport Module, 29th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, London, UK, October 16-21, 2023.
  31. C.F. Clauser, T. Rafiq, E. Schuster, C. Wilson, W. Guttenfelder, J. Parisi, G. Avdeeva, Studies of ETG Transport on NSTX Plasmas with Gyrokinetics and Reduced Transport Models, 29th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, London, UK, October 16-21, 2023.
  32. X. Song, B. Leard, Z. Wang, T. Rafiq, E. Schuster, Coupling of Free-boundary-equilibrium and Transport Solvers to Enable Model-based Scenario Optimization and Integrated Control, 29th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, London, UK, October 16-21, 2023.
  33. Z. Wang, V. Graber, T. Rafiq, E. Schuster, NUBEAM Surrogate Models Based on MLP, CNN and Parallel CNN-LSTM Neural Network Architectures, 29th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, London, UK, October 16-21, 2023.
  34. B. Leard, Z. Wang, S.T. Paruchuri, T. Rafiq, E. Schuster, Hybrid Model Predictive Control of the Current Profile in NSTX-U, 29th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, London, UK, October 16-21, 2023.
  35. H. Al Khawaldeh, S.T. Paruchuri, Z. Wang, T. Rafiq, E. Schuster, Simultaneous Optimal Regulation of Kinetic+Magnetic Scalar Plasma Properties for Robust Sustainment of Advanced Scenarios in NSTX-U, 29th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, London, UK, October 16-21, 2023.
  36. L. Yang, H. Al Khawaldeh, S.T. Paruchuri, X. Song, Z. Wang, E. Schuster, Towards Density Profile Regulation via Pellet Injection in Tokamaks Following a Hybrid Model Predictive Control Approach, 29th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, London, UK, October 16-21, 2023.
  37. V. Graber, E. Schuster, Assessment of the Burning-Plasma Operational Space in ITER by Using a Control-Oriented SOLPS Parameterized Core-Edge Model, 29th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, London, UK, October 16-21, 2023.
  38. S.T. Paruchuri, E. Schuster, Actuator-sharing Algorithm for Simultaneous Regulation of Multiple Plasma Properties with Coupled Dynamics, 29th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, London, UK, October 16-21, 2023.
  39. J. W. Berkery, (C. Clauser, B. Leard, H. Al Khawaldeh, T. Rafiq, E. Schuster), et al. (Collaboration Paper), NSTX-U Research Advancing the Physics of Spherical Tokamaks, 29th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, London, UK, October 16-21, 2023.
  40. S.T. Paruchuri, E. Schuster, Nonlinear Infinite-dimensional Regulation of the Safety Factor Profile in Tokamaks with Moving Electron Cyclotron Drives, SIAM Conference on Control and Its Applications, Philadelphia, PA, USA, July 24-26, 2023.
  41. Z. Wang, X. Song, T. Rafiq, E. Schuster, Neural Network-Based Free Boundary Equilibrium Solver for Control-Oriented Transport Simulations, 30th IEEE Symposium on Fusion Energy, Oxford, UK, July 9-13, 2023.
  42. B. Leard, S.M. Morosohk, Z. Wang, T. Rafiq, E. Schuster, Fast Neural-Network Surrogate Model of the Updated Multi-Mode Anomalous Transport Module for NSTX-U, 30th IEEE Symposium on Fusion Energy, Oxford, UK, July 9-13, 2023.
  43. S.T. Paruchuri, E. Schuster, Dynamic Actuator Allocation via Reinforcement Learning for Concurrent Regulation of Plasma Properties, 30th IEEE Symposium on Fusion Energy, Oxford, UK, July 9-13, 2023.
  44. C.C. Klepper, T.M. Biewer, J.D. Lore,1 E. Lerche, M. Schneider, P. Andrew, P.C. de Vries, T. Wauters, L. Zabeo, R.A. Pitts, B.R. Quinlan, D.A. Rasmussen, E. Schuster, The ITER DRGA as a fusion plasma process control diagnostic, 30th IEEE Symposium on Fusion Energy, Oxford, UK, July 9-13, 2023.
  45. X. Song, B. Leard, T. Rafiq, E. Schuster, Model-based Scenario Optimization in Tokamaks by Integrating Free-boundary Equilibrium and Fast Transport Solvers, 49th European Physical Society (EPS) Conference on Plasma Physics (CPP), Bordeaux, France, July 3-7, 2023.
  46. M.L. Walker, J.L. Barr, D. Eldon, G. Sips, A. Xing, B. Chapman, V. Graber, E. Schuster, J. Yang, Preparing for ITER plasma operation, 64th Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Spokane, WA, USA, October 17-21, 2022.
  47. T. Rafiq, C. Wilson, J. Weiland, E. Schuster, Simulation of Thermal, Particle, Impurity, and Momentum Transport in NSTX Discharges Using the Multi-Mode Anomalous Transport Module, 64th Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Spokane, WA, USA, October 17-21, 2022.
  48. S.T. Paruchuri, E. Schuster, Model-based Safety-Factor-Profile Slope Control at Predefined Rational Surfaces in DIII-D, 64th Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Spokane, WA, USA, October 17-21, 2022.
  49. C.F. Clauser, T. Rafiq, W. Guttenfelder, E. Schuster Linear and Nonlinear Gyrokinetic Electron Temperature Gradient Mode Simulations for NSTX Discharges and NSTX-U projections, 64th Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Spokane, WA, USA, October 17-21, 2022.
  50. X. Song, B. Leard, E. Schuster, Matlab-based Free-boundary Equilibrium Solver for Fast Control-oriented Predictions, 64th Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Spokane, WA, USA, October 17-21, 2022.
  51. L. Yang, S.T. Paruchuri, E. Schuster, Electron Density Profile Regulation with Pellet Injection using Self-triggered Model Predictive Control, 64th Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Spokane, WA, USA, October 17-21, 2022.
  52. S. Morosohk, S.-T. Paruchuri, Z. Wang, T. Rafiq, E. Schuster, Robust Control of the Electron Temperature Profile in DIII-D, 64th Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Spokane, WA, USA, October 17-21, 2022.
  53. H. Al Khawaldeh, B. Leard, S.T. Paruchuri, T. Rafiq, E. Schuster, Model-Based Optimal Control of Core Kinetic+Magnetic Profiles and Scalar Plasma Properties in NSTX-U, 64th Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Spokane, WA, USA, October 17-21, 2022.
  54. V. Graber, E. Schuster, Investigating Divertor-safe Burning-Plasma Regimes in ITER using a Core-edge Model with SOLPS Scalings, 64th Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Spokane, WA, USA, October 17-21, 2022.
  55. Z. Wang, E. Schuster, X. Song, T. Rafiq, Y. Huang, Z. Luo, Q. Yuan, J. Barr, W. Choi, C. Holcomb, D.A. Humphreys, A. Hyatt, M.L. Walker, W.P. Wehner, Model-based Feedback Control Design Towards Robust Realization and Sustainment of Advanced Scenarios in EAST, 64th Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Spokane, WA, USA, October 17-21, 2022.
  56. B. Leard, C. Clauser, H. Al Khawaldeh, T. Rafiq, E. Schuster, Development of COTSIM+NUBEAMNet One-Dimensional Predictive Simulation Capability for Scenario Optimization in NSTX-U, 64th Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Spokane, WA, USA, October 17-21, 2022.
  57. W.H. Ko, (E. Schuster), et al. (Collaboration Paper) KSTAR Overview, 64th Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Spokane, WA, USA, October 17-21, 2022.
  58. C. Wilson, T. Rafiq, J. Weiland, E. Schuster, Temperature and Current Density Profile Prediction in NSTX Discharges, 64th Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Spokane, WA, USA, October 17-21, 2022.
  59. J. Weiland, T. Rafiq, C. Wilson, E. Schuster, Effects of Fast Particles on MHD and Drift Waves, 64th Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Spokane, WA, USA, October 17-21, 2022.
  60. V. Graber and E. Schuster, Control-Oriented Core-SOL-Divertor Model to Address Integrated Burn and Divertor Control Challenges in ITER, 32nd Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT), September 18-23, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 2022.
  61. B. Leard, E. Schuster, S.T. Paruchuri and T. Rafiq, Fast Model-Based Scenario Optimization in NSTX-U Enabled by Analytic Gradient Computation, 32nd Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT), September 18-23, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 2022.
  62. H. Al Khawaldeh, B. Leard, S.T. Paruchuri, T. Rafiq and E. Schuster, Model-based Linear-Quadratic-Integral Controller for Simultaneous Regulation of the Current Profile and Normalized Beta in NSTX-U, 32nd Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT), September 18-23, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 2022.
  63. S.T. Paruchuri, T. Rafiq and E. Schuster, Model Predictive Current Profile Control in Tokamaks by Exploiting Spatially Moving Electron Cyclotron Current Drives, 32nd Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT), September 18-23, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 2022.
  64. Z. Wang, S. Morosohk, E. Schuster, T. Rafiq and M.D. Boyer, Neural Network Model of Neutral Beam Injection on EAST to Enable Fast Transport Simulations, 32nd Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT), September 18-23, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 2022.
  65. T. Rafiq, C. Wilson, E. Schuster, Heat Transport Driven by Electron Temperature Gradient Modes in Tokamak Plasmas, 11th ITER International School on “ITER Plasma Scenarios and Control,” San Diego, California, USA, July 25-29, 2022.
  66. S.T. Paruchuri, E. Schuster, A. Pajares, Leveraging ECH&CD Spatial Variation for Enhanced Regulation of Current Profile in Tokamaks, 11th ITER International School on “ITER Plasma Scenarios and Control,” San Diego, California, USA, July 25-29, 2022.
  67. C.F. Clauser, W. Guttenfelder, T. Rafiq, E. Schuster, Linear ion-scale micro-stability analysis of high and low-collisionality NSTX discharges and NSTX-U projections, 11th ITER International School on “ITER Plasma Scenarios and Control,” San Diego, California, USA, July 25-29, 2022.
  68. X. Song, E. Schuster, B. Leard, S.-T. Paruchuri, Z. Wang, L. Yang, Numerical Approach of Fast Free-boundary Equilibrium Solver Based on Finite Difference Method in Tokamaks, 11th ITER International School on “ITER Plasma Scenarios and Control,” San Diego, California, USA, July 25-29, 2022.
  69. L. Yang, Z. Wang, S.T. Paruchuri, X. Song, E. Schuster, Optimal Real-time Profile Regulation on EAST using Self-triggered Model Predictive Control, 11th ITER International School on “ITER Plasma Scenarios and Control,” San Diego, California, USA, July 25-29, 2022.
  70. V. Graber, E. Schuster, Nonlinear Burn Control and Optimal Actuator Allocation of ITER Plasmas with Uncertain Parameters and Actuator Dynamics, 11th ITER International School on “ITER Plasma Scenarios and Control,” San Diego, California, USA, July 25-29, 2022.
  71. S. Morosohk, S.T. Paruchuri, A. Pajares, E. Schuster, Estimation of the Electron Temperature Profile in DIII-D using Neural Network Models, 11th ITER International School on “ITER Plasma Scenarios and Control,” San Diego, California, USA, July 25-29, 2022.
  72. Z. Wang, S. Morosohk, T. Rafiq, E. Schuster, M.D. Boyer, W. Choi, Surrogate Model of NUBEAM Based on Deep Learning to Enable Fast Transport Simulations for EAST, 11th ITER International School on “ITER Plasma Scenarios and Control,” San Diego, California, USA, July 25-29, 2022.
  73. B. Leard, Z. Wang, S.T. Paruchuri, T. Rafiq, E. Schuster, Hybrid Model Predictive Control for Plasma Regulation Incorporating Pulse-Width-Modulation Dynamic Constraints Arising in Neutral Beam Injection, 11th ITER International School on “ITER Plasma Scenarios and Control,” San Diego, California, USA, July 25-29, 2022.
  74. H. Al Khawaldeh, B. Leard, S. T. Paruchuri, T. Rafiq, E. Schuster, Model-based Linear-Quadratic-Integral Controller for Simultaneous Regulation of the Current Profile and Normalized Beta in NSTX-U, 11th ITER International School on “ITER Plasma Scenarios and Control,” San Diego, California, USA, July 25-29, 2022.
  75. T. Rafiq, J. Weiland, E. Schuster, A. Pankin, Development of Electron Temperature Gradient Transport Model for Tokamak Plasmas, 63rd Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Pittsburgh, PA, USA (Remote), November 8-12, 2021.
  76. C.F. Clauser, W. Guttenfelder, T. Rafiq, E. Schuster, Linear stability analysis of ion-scale microturbulence in low and high collisionality NSTX discharges, 63rd Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Pittsburgh, PA, USA (Remote), November 8-12, 2021.
  77. B. Leard, S.-T. Paruchuri, T. Rafiq, E. Schuster, Towards In-Between-Discharges Model-Based Scenario Planning in NSTX-U Via Fast Nonlinear Optimization, 63rd Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Pittsburgh, PA, USA (Remote), November 8-12, 2021.
  78. H. Al Khawaldeh, A. Pajares, T. Rafiq, E. Schuster, COTSIM-based Optimization of Transport Diffusivity Models for Enhanced Predictive COTSIM Simulations of NSTX-U Discharges, 63rd Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Pittsburgh, PA, USA (Remote), November 8-12, 2021.
  79. S. Morosohk, Z. Wang, A. Pajares, S.-T. Paruchuri, E. Schuster, Simultaneous Electron Temperature and Safety Factor Profile Control in DIII-D, 63rd Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Pittsburgh, PA, USA (Remote), November 8-12, 2021.
  80. A. Pajares, E. Schuster, K. Thome, J. Barr, N. Eidietis, A. Welander, A. Hyatt, M. Walker, D. Humphreys, Experimental Assessment of Actuator Management Strategies in DIII-D, 63rd Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Pittsburgh, PA, USA (Remote), November 8-12, 2021.
  81. Z. Wang, E. Schuster, T. Rafiq, H.-S. Kim, S.-H. Hahn, J. Chung, J. Ko, J. Kang, Y.M. Jeon, W.P. Wehner, D.A. Humphreys, M.L. Walker, Control-Oriented Modeling via Transport Analysis for Advanced Scenario Control in KSTAR, 63rd Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Pittsburgh, PA, USA (Remote), November 8-12, 2021.
  82. Z. Wang, E. Schuster, T. Rafiq, Y. Huang, Z. Luo, Q. Yuan, B. Xiao, D.A. Humphreys, Refinement of Control-Oriented Model via TRANSP-Based Transport Analysis to Enable Systematic Model-based Scenario Planning in EAST, 63rd Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Pittsburgh, PA, USA (Remote), November 8-12, 2021.
  83. S. T. Paruchuri, A. Pajares, T. Rafiq, E. Schuster, Control of the Local Gradient and the Minimum Value of the Safety Factor Profile by Using Moving ECCD, 63rd Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Pittsburgh, PA, USA (Remote), November 8-12, 2021.
  84. V. Graber, E. Schuster, Adaptive Allocation of ITER's External Heating and Fueling with Uncertain Actuator Dynamics for Nonlinear Burn Control, 63rd Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Pittsburgh, PA, USA (Remote), November 8-12, 2021.
  85. J. Weiland, T. Rafiq, E. Schuster, Simulations of Effects of Plasma Parameters and Geometry on ITER Performance, 63rd Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Pittsburgh, PA, USA (Remote), November 8-12, 2021.
  86. D. Dang, B. Leard, T. Rafiq, E. Schuster, COTSIM-based Feedforward Control Optimizer for Model-based Scenario Planning in NSTX-U, 63rd Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Pittsburgh, PA, USA (Remote), November 8-12, 2021.
  87. E. Nuzzi, Z. Wang, S.-T. Paruchuri, H. Wang, T. Rafiq, E. Schuster, COTSIM-based Numerical Solver for the Steady State Condition in Tokamak Plasmas, 63rd Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Pittsburgh, PA, USA (Remote), November 8-12, 2021.
  88. Y. Manjetta, H. Al Khawaldeh, T. Rafiq, E. Schuster, COTSIM-based Gain Optimizer for Feedback Control of Advanced Scenarios in NSTX-U, 63rd Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Pittsburgh, PA, USA (Remote), November 8-12, 2021.
  89. E. Schuster, A. Pajares, S. Morosohk, V. Graber, Z. Wang, Optimization of Parameterized Transport Models in COTSIM, 47th European Physical Society (EPS) Conference on Plasma Physics (CPP), Virtual Meeting, June 21-25, 2021.
  90. A. Pajares, E. Schuster, Actuator Management in Tokamaks via Receding-Horizon Optimization, 47th European Physical Society (EPS) Conference on Plasma Physics (CPP), Virtual Meeting, June 21-25, 2021.
  91. A. Pajares, E. Schuster, A. Welander, J. Barr, N. Eidietis, K.Thome, D. Humphreys, Integrated Control of Individual Scalars to Regulate Profiles and Improve MHD Stability in Tokamaks, 28th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Nice, France, October 12-17, 2020 -> May 10-15, 2021 (Remote).
  92. V. Graber, E. Schuster, Nonlinear Burn Control of ITER’s Two-temperature Plasmas Using Optimal and Adaptive Allocation of Actuators with Uncertain Dynamics, 28th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Nice, France, October 12-17, 2020 -> May 10-15, 2021 (Remote).
  93. S. Morosohk. T. Rafiq, E. Schuster, Neural-Network Model of the Multi-Mode Anomalous Transport Module, 28th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Nice, France, October 12-17, 2020 -> May 10-15, 2021 (Remote).
  94. E. Schuster, H. Wang, Z. Wang, Integrated Model-based Closed-loop q-profile+βN Control for Advanced Scenario Development in EAST, 28th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Nice, France, October 12-17, 2020 -> May 10-15, 2021 (Remote).
  95. W. Guttenfelder, (E. Schuster), et al. (Collaboration Paper), NSTX-U theory, modeling and analysis results, 28th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Nice, France, October 12-17, 2020 -> May 10-15, 2021 (Remote).
  96. M.E. Fenstermacher, (E. Schuster), et al. (Collaboration Paper), DIII-D research advancing the physics for optimizing the tokamak approach to fusion energy, 28th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Nice, France, October 12-17, 2020 -> May 10-15, 2021 (Remote).
  97. S. Morosohk, T. Rafiq, E. Schuster, O. Meneghini, D. Boyer, Control-Oriented Current-Profile Response Modeling Using Neural Network Accelerated Versions of TGLF and NUBEAM for DIII-D, 62nd Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Remote, November 9-13, 2020.
  98. A. Pajares, E. Schuster, M. Walker, D. Humphreys, Actuator Management via Nonlinear Real-time Optimization, 62nd Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Remote, November 9-13, 2020.
  99. Z. Wang, H. Wang, E. Schuster, Y. Huang, Z. Luo, Q. Yuan, B. Xiao, D. Humphreys, Model Predictive Control Design for q-profile Shaping in EAST, 62nd Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Remote, November 9-13, 2020.
  100. V. Graber and E. Schuster, Control-Oriented Core-SOL-Divertor Model to Address Inte- grated Burn and Divertor Control Challenges in ITER, 62nd Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Remote, November 9-13, 2020.
  101. T. Rafiq, J. Weiland, E. Schuster, Effects of plasma parameters on temperature and density pedestals in ITER scenarios, 62nd Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Remote, November 9-13, 2020.
  102. V. Graber and E. Schuster, Assessment of the Burning-Plasma Operational Space by Using a Control-Oriented Core-SOL-Divertor Model, 31st Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT), Remote, September 20-25, 2020.
  103. A. Pajares and E. Schuster, Integrated Control and Actuator Management Strategies for Internal Inductance Regulation, 31st Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT), Remote, September 20-25, 2020.
  104. A. Pajares, E. Schuster, Progress Towards Integrated Profile Control and NTM Suppression in DIII-D, 61st Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA, October 21-25, 2019.
  105. Z. Wang, H. Wang, E. Schuster, Y. Huang, Z. Luo, Q. Yuan, B. Xiao, D. Humphreys, Model-based Linear Quadratic Integral Control Design for q-profile Shaping in EAST, 61st Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA, October 21-25, 2019.
  106. V. Graber, E. Schuster, Nonlinear Adaptive Burn Control in ITER Based on Two-Temperature Response Model, 61st Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA, October 21-25, 2019.
  107. S. Morosohk, E. Schuster, T. Rafiq, A Neural Network Version of Multi-Mode Model for Control-oriented Fast Simulations in DIII-D, 61st Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA, October 21-25, 2019.
  108. W.P. Wehner, M.D. Boyer, D.A. Humphreys, N.C. Logan, E. Schuster, Predictive Control of the Rotation Profile using Neutral Beam Injection and Variable 3D Magnetic Fields, 61st Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA, October 21-25, 2019.
  109. M.D. Boyer, X. Yuan, F. Poli, H-S. Kim, S-H. Hahn, E. Schuster, S. Morosohk, S. Sabbagh, J-H. Ahn, W.P. Wehner, Model-based control development for KSTAR enabled by TRANSP, 61st Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA, October 21-25, 2019.
  110. T. Rafiq, E. Schuster, A. Pankin, J. Anderson, J. Weiland, Statistical validation of anomalous transport Multi-Mode model for high beta and ITB tokamak scenarios in KSTAR, 61st Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA, October 21-25, 2019.
  111. A. Pajares and E. Schuster, Actuator Management via Real-time Optimization for Integrated Control in Tokamaks, 46th European Physical Society (EPS) Conference on Plasma Physics (CPP), Milan, Italy, July 8-12, 2019.
  112. V. Graber and E. Schuster, Tritium-Concentration Requirements in the Fueling Lines for High-Q Operation in ITER, 46th European Physical Society (EPS) Conference on Plasma Physics (CPP), Milan, Italy, July 8-12, 2019.
  113. S. Morosohk, A. Pajares, W.P. Wehner, E. Schuster, Control-oriented Current Profile Modeling with Physics-Based Neural Network Accelerated Models for Temperature Transport, 28th IEEE Symposium on Fusion Engineering (SOFE), Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida, June 2-6, 2019.
  114. A. Pajares, W.P. Wehner, E. Schuster, Integrated Robust Control of the Global Toroidal Rotation and Total Plasma Energy in Tokamaks, 28th IEEE Symposium on Fusion Engineering (SOFE), Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida, June 2-6, 2019.
  115. E. Schuster, S. Morosohk, T. Rafiq, H.-S. Kim, S.-H. Hahn, Y.-M. Jeon, M.D. Boyer, S. A. Sabbagh, M.L. Walker, D.A. Humphreys, Control-oriented Modeling of the q-profile Dynamic Response in Preparation for Advanced Scenario Control in KSTAR, KSTAR Conference, Seoul, South Korea, February 20-22, 2019.
  116. S. Morosohk, M.D. Boyer, E. Schuster, Towards the Development of a Neural-Network Version of NUBEAM for Scenario Optimization and Control in KSTAR, KSTAR Conference, Seoul, South Korea, February 20-22, 2019.
  117. M.D. Boyer, S. Kaye, K. Erickson, X. Yuan, V. Gajaraj, J. Kunimune, F. Poli, M. Zarnstorff, H.S. Kim, S. Morosohk, E. Schuster, S. Sabbagh, J-H. Ahn, TRANSP-based accelerated predictive models for scenario development and control of NSTX-U and KSTAR, KSTAR Conference, Seoul, South Korea, February 20-22, 2019.
  118. N.W. Eidietis, J.L. Barr, S.H. Hahn, D.A. Humphreys, E. Schuster, M.L. Walker, Evolving collaboration for control & integrated disruption solutions on KSTAR, KSTAR Conference, Seoul, South Korea, February 20-22, 2019.
  119. W. Wehner, E. Schuster, J.R. Ferron, C.T. Holcomb, D.A. Humphreys, A.W. Hyatt, K.E. Thome, B.S. Victor, Real-time Optimization of the q Profile Under Constraints for Avoidance of MHD Instability and Achievement of Stationary Conditions, 60th Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Portland, OR, USA, November 5-9, 2018.
  120. K.E. Thome, J.R. Ferron, C.C. Petty, B.S. Victor, C.T. Holcomb, E. Schuster, W. Wehner, J.M. Park, B.A. Grierson, F.M. Poli, Transport Variations in High qmin>1.5 Plasmas with Heating and Current Drive Actuators, 60th Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Portland, OR, USA, November 5-9, 2018.
  121. H. Wang, W. Wehner, E. Schuster, Y. Huang, H. Liu, S. Wang, Q. Yuan, B. Xiao, W. Ding, D. Humphreys, Implementation and Testing of Model-based Optimal Control Strategies for q-profile Feedback Regulation in EAST, 60th Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Portland, OR, USA, November 5-9, 2018.
  122. M. Morosohk, M.D. Boyer, E. Schuster, Neural-Network Version of NUBEAM for Real-time Control and Scenario Optimization in DIII-D, 60th Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Portland, OR, USA, November 5-9, 2018.
  123. V. Graber, E. Schuster, Assessment of Performance of Burn Control Schemes under Confinement Mode Transitions in ITER, 60th Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Portland, OR, USA, November 5-9, 2018.
  124. T. Rafiq, E. Schuster, A. Pankin, J. Anderson, Role of Toroidal Rotation in ITB Formation in Tokamaks, 60th Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Portland, OR, USA, November 5-9, 2018.
  125. B.S. Victor, C.T. Holcomb, S.L. Allen, K.E. Thome, J.R. Ferron, C.C. Petty, J.M. Park, E. Schuster, W. Wehner, B.A. Grierson, F.M. Poli, Evolution of the current density profile in advanced tokamak scenario plasma, 60th Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Portland, OR, USA, November 5-9, 2018.
  126. A. Pajares, W.P Wehner, E. Schuster, N. Eidietis, J. Barr, A. Welander, R. La Haye, A. Hyatt, J. Ferron, M. Walker, D. Humphreys, Recent Developments in the DIII-D PCS for Integrated Plasma Control and Actuator Sharing, 60th Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Portland, OR, USA, November 5-9, 2018.
  127. W.P. Wehner, A. Pajares, E. Schuster, J.R. Ferron, D.A. Humphreys, R.D. Johnson, B.G. Penaflor, K.E. Thome, M.L. Walker, C.T. Holcomb, B.S. Victor, Physics-model-based Real-time Optimization for the Development of Steady-state Scenarios at DIII-D, 27th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Gandhinagar, India, October 22-27, 2018.
  128. A. Pajares, E. Schuster, Robust Burn Control in ITER Under Deuterium-Tritium Concentration Variations in the Fueling Lines, 27th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Gandhinagar, India, October 22-27, 2018.
  129. T. Rafiq, S. M. Kaye, W. Guttenfelder, A. Kritz, E. Schuster, J. Weiland, and F. M. Poli, Effects of Microtearing Modes on the Evolution of Electron Temperature Profiles in High Collisionality NSTX Discharges, 27th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Gandhinagar, India, October 22-27, 2018.
  130. T. Strait, (E. Schuster), et al. (Collaboration Paper), Progress in Disruption Prevention for ITER, 27th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Gandhinagar, India, October 22-27, 2018.
  131. C.C. Petty, (E. Schuster), et al. (Collaboration Paper), DIII-D Research Towards Establishing the Scientific Basis for Future Fusion Reactors, 27th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Gandhinagar, India, October 22-27, 2018.
  132. S.M. Kaye, J.E. Menard, (E. Schuster), et al. (Collaboration Paper), Overview of Recent Progress in Understanding NSTX and NSTX-U Plasmas, 27th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Gandhinagar, India, October 22-27, 2018.
  133. W.P. Wehner, E. Schuster, M.D. Boyer, F. Poli, TRANSP-based Optimization for Tokamak Scenario Development, 30th Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT), Giardini Naxos, Sicily, Italy, September 16-21, 2018.
  134. H. Wang, E. Schuster, Robust Control of the Current Profile and Plasma Energy in EAST, 30th Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT), Giardini Naxos, Sicily, Italy, September 16-21, 2018.
  135. Z.O. Ilhan, E. Schuster, M.D. Boyer, TRANSP-based Closed-loop Simulations of Current Profile Optimal Regulation in NSTX-Upgrade, 30th Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT), Giardini Naxos, Sicily, Italy, September 16-21, 2018.
  136. A. Pajares, E. Schuster, W.P. Wehner, N. Eidietis, A. Welander, R. La Haye, J.R. Ferron, J. Barr, M. Walker, D. Humphreys, A. Hyatt, Integrated Current Profile, Normalized Beta and NTM Control in DIII-D, 30th Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT), Giardini Naxos, Sicily, Italy, September 16-21, 2018.
  137. E. Schuster, T. Rafiq, W.P. Wehner, H.-S. Kim, S.-H. Hahn, Y.-M. Jeon, M.D. Boyer, S. A. Sabbagh, M.L. Walker, D.A. Humphreys, Model-based Control of the Current Profile Dynamics in KSTAR: Status, Plans and Needs, KSTAR Conference, Muju, South Korea, February 21-23, 2018.
  138. M. D. Boyer, K. G. Erickson, J-H. Ahn, J. Carlsson, S. Kaye, R. Nazikian, E. Schuster, S. A. Sabbagh, Faster-than-real-time predictions and feedback control algorithm design and testing enabled by TRANSP, KSTAR Conference, Muju, South Korea, February 21-23, 2018.
  139. N. Eidietis, J. Barr, M. Boyer, S.H. Hahn, D.A. Humphreys, Y.M. Jeon, D. Mueller, E. Schuster, M.L. Walker, Long Pulse Control Enhancements on KSTAR, KSTAR Conference, Muju, South Korea, February 21-23, 2018.
  140. W. Wehner, E. Schuster, M.D. Boyer, M.L. Walker, D.A. Humphreys, Predictive Rotation Profile Control for the DIII-D Tokamak, 59th Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Milwaukee, WI, USA, October 23-27, 2017.
  141. T. Rafiq, A. Kritz, H-T. Kim, E. Schuster, J. Weiland, Integrated modeling of temperature and rotation profiles in JET ITER-like wall discharges, 59th Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Milwaukee, WI, USA, October 23-27, 2017.
  142. H. Wang, W. Wehner, E. Schuster, Current Density Profile Control via Model Predictive Control in EAST, 59th Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Milwaukee, WI, USA, October 23-27, 2017.
  143. A. Pajares, W. Wehner, E. Schuster, K. Burrell, J. Ferron, M. Walker, D. Humphreys, Central Safety Factor and Normalized Beta Control Under Near-Zero Input Torque Constraints in DIII-D, 59th Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Milwaukee, WI, USA, October 23-27, 2017.
  144. Z.O. Ilhan, W.P. Wehner, E. Schuster and D. Boyer, Model Predictive Control with Integral Action for Current Density Profile Tracking in NSTX-U, 58th Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), San Jose, CA, USA, October 31 - November 4, 2016.
  145. E. Schuster, W. Wehner, C.T. Holcomb, B. Victor, J.R. Ferron and T.C. Luce, Accessibility and Reproducibility of Stable High-qmin Steady-State Scenarios by q-profile+βN Model Predictive Control, 58th Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), San Jose, CA, USA, October 31 - November 4, 2016.
  146. A. Pajares and E. Schuster, Nonlinear Burn Control in Tokamaks using Heating, Non-axisymmetric Magnetic Fields, Isotopic fueling and Impurity Injection, 58th Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), San Jose, CA, USA, October 31 - November 4, 2016.
  147. H. Wang, E. Schuster, T. Rafiq, A. Kritz and S. Ding, Development of Integrated Magnetic and Kinetic Control-oriented Transport Model for q-profile Response Prediction in EAST Discharges, 58th Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), San Jose, CA, USA, October 31 - November 4, 2016.
  148. W. Wehner, E. Schuster and F. Poli, TRANSP-based Trajectory Optimization of the Current Profile Evolution to Facilitate Robust Non-inductive Ramp-up in NSTX-U, 58th Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), San Jose, CA, USA, October 31 - November 4, 2016.
  149. C.T. Holcomb, B. Victor, J.R. Ferron and T.C. Luce and E. Schuster, Stability of Elevated-qmin Steady-Sate Scenarios on DIII-D, 58th Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), San Jose, CA, USA, October 31 - November 4, 2016.
  150. E. Schuster, W. Wehner, J. Barton, M. Boyer,T. Luce, J. Ferron, C. Holcomb, M. Walker, D. Humphreys, W. Solomon, B. Penaflor and R. Johnson, Improved Reproducibility of Plasma Discharges via Physics-model-based q-profile Feedback Control in DIII-D, 26th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Kyoto, Japan, October 17-22, 2016.
  151. J. Menard, (E. Schuster), et al. (Collaboration Paper), Overview of the First Operational and Physics Results from NSTX Upgrade, 26th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Kyoto, Japan, October 17-22, 2016.
  152. W.M. Solomon, (E. Schuster), et al. (Collaboration Paper), DIII-D Research Advancing the Scientific Basis for Burning Plasmas and Fusion Energy, 26th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Kyoto, Japan, October 17-22, 2016.
  153. Z.O. Ilhan, J.E. Barton, E. Schuster, D.A. Gates, S.P. Gerhardt, J.E. Menard Physics-based Control-oriented Modeling of the Current Density Profile Evolution in NSTX-Upgrade, 29th Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT), Prague, Czech Republic, September 5-9, 2016.
  154. H. Wang and E. Schuster Model-based Optimal Scenario Planning in EAST, 29th Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT), Prague, Czech Republic, September 5-9, 2016.
  155. W.P. Wehner, J.E. Barton, E. Schuster, C.T. Holcomb, T.C. Luce, J.R. Ferron, M.L. Walker, D.A. Humphreys, B.G. Penaflor and R.D. Johnson Optimal Current Profile Control for Enhanced Repeatability of L-mode and H-mode Discharges in DIII-D, 29th Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT), Prague, Czech Republic, September 5-9, 2016.
  156. M. Lauret and E. Schuster Nonlinear Sliding Mode Control of the Current Density Profile in Tokamaks, 29th Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT), Prague, Czech Republic, September 5-9, 2016.
  157. A. Pajares and E. Schuster Nonlinear Burn Control in Tokamaks Using In-vessel Coils, 29th Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT), Prague, Czech Republic, September 5-9, 2016.
  158. W.P. Wehner, J.E. Barton, M.E. Lauret, E. Schuster, C.T. Holcomb, B. Victor, J.R. Ferron, T.C. Luce, R. La Haye, F. Turco and W. Solomon, Combined Current Profile and βN Control to Facilitate Accessibility and Reproducibility Testing of High-qmin Steady-State Scenarios, 57th Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Savannah, GA, USA, November 16-20, 2015.
  159. H. Wang, J.E. Barton and E. Schuster, Current Density Profile Estimation via Model-based Extended Kalman Filtering in the DIII-D Tokamak, 57th Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Savannah, GA, USA, November 16-20, 2015.
  160. Z. Ilhan, W.P. Wehner, E. Schuster, D. Boyer, D. Gates, S. Gerhardt and J. Menard, Performance Assessment of Model-Based Optimal Feedforward and Feedback Current Profile Control in NSTX-U using the TRANSP Code, 57th Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Savannah, GA, USA, November 16-20, 2015.
  161. M. Lauret, W. Wehner and E. Schuster, Model Predictive Control of the Current Profile and the Internal Energy of DIII-D Plasmas, 57th Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Savannah, GA, USA, Nov. 16-20, 2015.
  162. E. Schuster, D. Boyer and A. Pajares-Martinez, Nonlinear Control and Online Optimization of the Burn Condition in ITER, 57th Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Savannah, GA, USA, November 16-20, 2015.
  163. C.T. Holcomb, B.S. Victor, J.R. Ferron, T.C. Luce, R.J. LaHaye, E. Schuster, W.P. Wehner, F. Turco and W.M. Solomon, Elevated-qmin Steady-State Scenarios on DIII-D: New Controls and Stability Characterization, 57th Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Savannah, GA, USA, Nov. 16-20, 2015.
  164. M. Lauret, E. Schuster, M. De Baar, F. Felici, M. Heemels, A. Gomes, T. Goodman, D. Kim, O. Sauter, G. Vandersteen, G. Witvoet, M. Lennholm, Sawtooth period control by power modulation, 57th Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Savannah, GA, USA, November 16-20, 2015.
  165. Z. Ilhan, J. Barton, W. Wehner, E. Schuster, D. Gates, S. Gerhardt, E. Kolemen and J. Menard, First-Principles-Driven Model-Based Optimal Control of the Current Profile in NSTX-U, 56th Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), New Orleans, Lousiana, USA, October 27-31, 2014.
  166. W. Wehner, E. Schuster, M.L. Walker and D.A. Humphreys, Physics-model-based Modeling and Control of the Toroidal Rotation Profile for DIII-D , 56th Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), New Orleans, Lousiana, USA, October 27-31, 2014.
  167. J.E. Barton, W.P. Wehner, E. Schuster, T.C. Luce, G.L. Jackson, J.R. Ferron, D.A. Humphreys, A.W. Hyatt, Optimization of the Current Ramp-up Phase in DIII-D via Physics-model-based Control of Plasma Safety Factor Profile Dynamics , 56th Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), New Orleans, Lousiana, USA, October 27-31, 2014.
  168. E. Schuster, J.E. Barton, W.P. Wehner, Towards Current Profile Control in ITER: Potential Approaches and Research Needs , 56th Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), New Orleans, Lousiana, USA, October 27-31, 2014.
  169. J.E. Barton, M.D. Boyer, W. Shi, W.P. Wehner, E. Schuster, J.R. Ferron, M.L. Walker, D.A. Humphreys, T.C. Luce, B.G. Penaflor, R.D. Johnson, Physics-model-based Control of the Plasma Current Profile Dynamics for the Development and Sustainment of Advanced Scenarios in DIII-D, 25th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Saint Petersburg, Russia, October 13-18, 2014.
  170. S. Coda, (E. Schuster), et al. (Collaboration Paper), The Science Program of the TCV Tokamak: Exploring Fusion Reactor and Power Plant Concepts , 25th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Saint Petersburg, Russia, October 13-18, 2014.
  171. R.J. Buttery, (E. Schuster), et al. (Collaboration Paper), DIII-D Research to Address Key Challenges for ITER and Fusion Energy , 25th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Saint Petersburg, Russia, October 13-18, 2014.
  172. S. Kaye, (E. Schuster), et al. (Collaboration Paper), Overview of Recent Physics Results from NSTX , 25th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Saint Petersburg, Russia, October 13-18, 2014.
  173. J.E. Barton, E. Schuster, M.L. Walker and D.A. Humphreys, Physics-model-based Actuator Trajectory Optimization and Feedback Control of the Plasma Safety Factor Profile and Internal Energy Dynamics in DIII-D, 55th Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Denver, Colorado, USA, November 11-15, 2013.
  174. W. Wehner, W. Shi, E. Schuster, M.L. Walker and D.A. Humphreys, Comparison of Data-Driven and First-Principles Model-Based Control Approaches for Regulation of the Poloidal Flux Profile and Normalized beta in DIII-D Advanced Tokamak Scenarios, 55th Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Denver, Colorado, USA, November 11-15, 2013.
  175. Z. Ilhan, J. Barton, W. Shi, E. Schuster, D. Gates, S. Gerhardt, E. Kolemen and J. Menard, Physics-based Control-oriented Modeling of the Current Profile Evolution in NSTX-Upgrade, 55th Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Denver, Colorado, USA, November 11-15, 2013.
  176. M.D. Boyer and E. Schuster, Nonlinear Burn Control and Operating Point Optimization in ITER, 55th Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Denver, Colorado, USA, November 11-15, 2013.
  177. E. Schuster, Z. Ilhan, H. Wang, J. Barry, M. Gilmore and A. Ware, Fluctuation Mitigation and Azimuthal Velocity Profile Regulation by Extremum Seeking in HELCAT, 25th Symposium on Fusion Engineering, San Francisco, California, USA, June 10-14, 2013.
  178. Z. Ilhan, H. Wang, D. Huxley-Cohen, E. Schuster, M. Gilmore and A. Ware, Optimal Closed-Loop Control of the Azimuthal Velocity Profile by ExB Actuation in HELCAT, 25th Symposium on Fusion Engineering, San Francisco, California, USA, June 10-14, 2013.
  179. A. W. Hyatt, D. A. Humphreys, N. W. Eidietis, J. R. Ferron, J. M. Hanson, R. D. Johnson, E. Kolemen, M. J. Lanctot, D. Moreau, B. G. Penaflor, E. Schuster and M. L. Walker, Designing, Constructing and Using Plasma Control System Algorithms on DIII-D, 25th Symposium on Fusion Engineering, San Francisco, California, USA, June 10-14, 2013.
  180. W. Treutterer, D. Humphreys, G. Raupp, E. Schuster, J. Snipes, G. Tommasi, M. Walker, and A. Winter, Architectural Concept for the ITER Plasma Control System, 9th IAEA Technical Meeting on Control, Data Acquisition and Remote Participation for Fusion Research, Hefei, China on May 6-10, 2013.
  181. A. Winter, G. Ambrosino, D. Humphreys, J. Lister, G. Raupp, E. Schuster, J. A. Snipes, W. Treutterer, M. Walker and L. Zabeo, Design Progress of the ITER Plasma Control System, 9th IAEA Technical Meeting on Control, Data Acquisition and Remote Participation for Fusion Research, Hefei, China on May 6-10, 2013.
  182. Z. Ilhan, D. Huxley-Cohen, J. Barry, E. Schuster, M. Gilmore and A. Ware, Optimal Closed-Loop Control of the Azimuthal Velocity Profile in HELCAT by ExB Actuation, 54th Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Providence, Rhode Island, USA, October 29 - November 2, 2012.
  183. E.O. Hadden, L. Jones, A. Ware, M. Gilmore and E. Schuster, Quantitative Fitting of Transport Model Parameters to Experimental Profiles, 54th Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Providence, Rhode Island, USA, October 29 - November 2, 2012.
  184. J. Barton, E. Schuster, K. Besseghir and J. Lister, Towards First-principles Control-oriented Modeling of the Magnetic and Kinetic Plasma Profile Evolutions in ITER, 54th Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Providence, Rhode Island, USA, October 29 - November 2, 2012.
  185. M.D. Boyer, E. Schuster, S. Bremond, R. Nouailletas and J-F. Artaud, Analysis of Fusion Burn Control Approaches Using METIS, 54th Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Providence, Rhode Island, USA, October 29 - November 2, 2012.
  186. W. Shi, W. Wehner, J. Barton, M.D. Boyer, E. Schuster, D. Moreau, M. L. Walker and J.R. Ferron, Data-driven Model-based Combined Magnetic and Kinetic Control on DIII-D, 54th Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Providence, Rhode Island, USA, October 29 - November 2, 2012.
  187. W. Wehner, W. Shi, E. Schuster, D. Moreau, M. L. Walker and J.R. Ferron, Data-Driven Modeling and Control of the Poloidal Flux Profile for Advanced Tokamak Scenarios in DIII-D, 54th Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Providence, Rhode Island, USA, October 29 - November 2, 2012.
  188. D.N. Hill, (E. Schuster), et al. (Collaboration Paper), Research Toward Resolving Key Issues for ITER and Steady-State Tokamaks, 24th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, San Diego, California, USA, October 8-13, 2012.
  189. S.A. Sabbagh, (E. Schuster), et al. (Collaboration Paper), Overview of Physics Results from the National Spherical Torus Experiment, 24th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, San Diego, California, USA, October 8-13, 2012.
  190. J. Barton, M.D. Boyer, W. Shi, W.P. Wehner, E. Schuster, T.C. Luce, J.R. Ferron, M.L. Walker, D.A. Humphreys, B.G. Penaflor and R.D. Johnson, First-Principles Model-based Closed-loop Control of the Current Profile Dynamic Evolution on DIII-D, 24th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, San Diego, California, USA, October 8-13, 2012.
  191. D. Moreau, F. Liu, J.R. Ferron, D.A. Humphreys, E. Schuster, M.L. Walker, J.F. Artaud, J.E. Barton, M.D. Boyer, K.H. Burrell, S.M. Flanagan, J. Garcia, P. Gohil, R.J. Groebner, C. Holcomb, A.W. Hyatt, R.D. Johnson, R.J. La Haye, J. Lohr, T.C. Luce, R. Nouailletas, J.M. Park, B.G. Penaflor, W. Shi, F. Turco, W. Wehner, and ITPA-IOS group members and experts, Integrated Magnetic and Kinetic Control of Advanced Tokamak Scenarios Based on Data-Driven Models, 24th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, San Diego, California, USA, October 8-13, 2012.
  192. Z. Ilhan, E. Schuster, S. Xie, M. Gilmore and A. Ware, Optimal Azimuthal Velocity Profile Control by ExB Actuation in HELCAT, 53rd Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, November 14-18, 2011.
  193. J. Barton, E. Schuster, M. L. Walker and D. A. Humphreys, Robust Control of the Spatial Current Profile in the DIII-D Tokamak, 53rd Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, November 14-18, 2011.
  194. M. D. Boyer, J. Barton, E. Schuster, M. L. Walker and D. A. Humphreys, Backstepping Control of the Current Profile in the DIII-D Tokamak, 53rd Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, November 14-18, 2011.
  195. W. Shi, W. Wehner, E. Schuster, M. L. Walker and D. A. Humphreys, Robust Control of the Toroidal Rotation and Safety Factor Profiles in the DIII-D Tokamak, 53rd Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, November 14-18, 2011.
  196. W. Wehner, W. Shi, C. Xu, E. Schuster, D. Moreau, D. Mazon, M. L. Walker, D. A. Humphreys, Y. In, Data-driven Modeling of the Toroidal Rotation and Safety Factor Profile Dynamics for AT Scenarios in DIII-D, 53rd Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, November 14-18, 2011.
  197. M.D. Boyer and E. Schuster, Burn Control in Fusion Reactors via Isotopic Fuel Tailoring, 53rd Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, November 14-18, 2011.
  198. L. Jones, A. Ware, D. Brugger, M. Gilmore and E. Schuster, Tuning and Testing a One-dimensional Transport Model, 53rd Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, November 14-18, 2011.
  199. C. Xu, Y. Ou and E. Schuster, Receding Horizon Control of the Magnetic Flux Bilinear PDE based on Sequential Linear Quadratic Control, 7th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Vancouver, Canada, July 18-22, 2011.
  200. D. Brugger, A. Ware, M. Gilmore, S. Xie, E. Schuster and Q. Wang, Development of a Drift Wave Turbulence Transport Model for a Linear Plasma Device, 52nd Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Chicago, Illinois, November 8-12, 2010.
  201. Q. Wang, E. Schuster, S. Xie, M. Gilmore and A. Ware, Non-Model-Based Optimal Fluctuation Mitigation by ExB Actuation in HELCAT, 52nd Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Chicago, Illinois, November 8-12, 2010.
  202. W. Shi, E. Schuster, M. L. Walker, D. A. Humphreys, D. Gates and E. Kolemen, Multivariable Model-based Shape Control for the National Spherical Torus Experiment (NSTX), 52nd Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Chicago, Illinois, November 8-12, 2010.
  203. W. Wehner, E. Schuster, M. L. Walker, D. A. Humphreys and Y. In, Tracking of Current and Rotation Profile Evolution in the DIII-D Tokamak via System Identification, 52nd Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Chicago, Illinois, November 8-12, 2010.
  204. D. Boyer and E. Schuster, One-Dimensional Burn Control in Fusion Reactors, 52nd Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Chicago, Illinois, November 8-12, 2010.
  205. J. Barton, E. Schuster, M. L. Walker and D. A. Humphreys, Closed-Loop Simulation of Model-Based Current Profile Control with the DIII-D Plasma Control System, 52nd Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Chicago, Illinois, November 8-12, 2010.
  206. D. Moreau, D. Mazon, M. L. Walker, J. R. Ferron, S. M. Flanagan, P. Gohil, R. J. Groebner, R. J. La Haye, E. Schuster, Y. Ou, C. Xu, Y. Takase, Y. Sakamoto, S. Ide, T. Suzuki and ITPA-IOS group members and experts, Plasma Models for Real-Time Control of Advanced Tokamak Scenarios, 23rd IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Daejon, Korea, 11-16 October 2010.
  207. C.M. Greenfield, (E. Schuster), et al. (Collaboration Paper), DIII-D Contributions Toward the Scientific Basis for Sustained Burning Plasmas, 23rd IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Daejon, Korea, 11-16 October 2010.
  208. R. Raman, (E. Schuster), et al. (Collaboration Paper), Overview of Physics Results from NSTX, 23rd IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Daejon, Korea, 11-16 October 2010.
  209. D. Sondak, R. Arastoo, E. Schuster and M.L. Walker, Remediation of Time-Delay Effects in Tokamak Axisymmetric Control Loops by Optimal Tuning and Robust Predictor Augmentation, 26th Symposium on Fusion Technology, Porto, Portugal, September 27-October 1, 2010.
  210. W. Shi, M. Alsarheed, E. Schuster, M.L. Walker, D.A. Humphreys and D.A. Gates, Multivariable Model-based Shape Control for the National Spherical Torus Experiment (NSTX), 26th Symposium on Fusion Technology, Porto, Portugal, September 27-October 1, 2010.
  211. J. Barton, Y. Ou, C. Xu, E. Schuster and M.L. Walker, Simserver Simulation of a Model-Based Current Profile Controller in the DIII-D Plasma Control System, 26th Symposium on Fusion Technology, Porto, Portugal, September 27-October 1, 2010.
  212. A.S. Ware, M. Olsen, M. Breyfogle, M. Gilmore, E. Schuster, Modeling of Turbulent Transport and Flow Generation in the HELCAT Experiment, 51st Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Atlanta, Georgia, November 2-6, 2009.
  213. W. Wehner, E. Schuster, Extremum-Seeking Stabilization of Neoclassical Tearing Modes in Tokamak Plasmas, 51st Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Atlanta, Georgia, November 2-6, 2009.
  214. F. Xie, E. Schuster , D. Humphreys, M. Walker, Y. In, Model-based Adaptive Control of Resistive Wall Modes in DIII-D, 51st Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Atlanta, Georgia, November 2-6, 2009.
  215. D. Boyer, P. Boyle, E. Schuster , G. Bateman, A. Kritz, Simultaneous Control of Electron Density and Effective Atomic Number in Non-burning Tokamak Plasmas, 51st Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Atlanta, Georgia, November 2-6, 2009.
  216. R. Arastoo, E. Schuster, M. Walker, Remediating the Effects of Time Delays in Axisymmetric Plasma Controllers via Optimal Tuning and Predictor Augmentation, 51st Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Atlanta, Georgia, November 2-6, 2009.
  217. C. Xu, E. Schuster, Estimation of Angular Momentum Transport Coefficients via Extended Kalman Filtering Theory, 51st Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Atlanta, Georgia, November 2-6, 2009.
  218. Y. Ou, E. Schuster, T. C. Luce, J. R. Ferron, M. L. Walker and D. A. Humphreys, T.A. Casper, W.H. Meyer, Development of a Robust Current Profile Feedback Controller in DIII-D, 51st Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Atlanta, Georgia, November 2-6, 2009.
  219. C. Xu, Y. Ou, R. Arastoo, E. Schuster, Phenomenological Modeling of Plasma Transport via Stochastic Filtering, 36th International Conference on Plasma Science and 23rd Symposium on Fusion Engineering, San Diego, CA, May 31-June 5, 2009.
  220. Y. Ou, C. Xu, E. Schuster , Robust Control of the Poloidal Magnetic Flux Profile in the Presence of Unmodeled Dynamics, 36th International Conference on Plasma Science and 23rd Symposium on Fusion Engineering, San Diego, CA, May 31-June 5, 2009.
  221. M. Alsarheed, E. Schuster, D. Gates, J. Leuer, M.L. Walker, D.A. Humphreys, Model-based Robust Shape Control Design for the National Spherical Torus Experiment (NSTX), 50th Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Dallas, Texas, November 17-21, 2008.
  222. C. Xu, Y. Ou, E. Schuster, J. Ferron, T.C. Luce, M.L. Walker, D.A. Humphreys, T.A. Casper, W.H. Meyer, Current Profile Evolution Modeling via Subspace Identification Algorithms, 50th Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Dallas, Texas, November 17-21, 2008.
  223. Y. Ou, E. Schuster, J. Ferron, T.C. Luce, M.L. Walker, D.A. Humphreys, T.A. Casper, W.H. Meyer, Control of the Current Profile Evolution During the Ramp-Up Phase at DIII-D, 50th Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Dallas, Texas, November 17-21, 2008.
  224. S. Yang, E. Schuster, D.A. Humphreys, M.L. Walker, Y. In, J-S. Kim, Comparison of RWM Stabilization Strategies in DIII-D, 50th Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Dallas, Texas, November 17-21, 2008.
  225. C. Xu, Y. Ou, E. Schuster, J. Ferron, T.C. Luce, M.L. Walker, D.A. Humphreys, T.A. Casper, W.H. Meyer, Momentum Diffusivity Estimation via PDE-Constrained Optimization, 50th Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Dallas, Texas, November 17-21, 2008.
  226. T. Marine, M. Breyfogle, A.S. Ware, M. Gilmore, C. Watts, E. Schuster, Localized momentum sources in a transport code as a model for biased-rings in a Helicon plasma, 50th Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Dallas, Texas, November 17-21, 2008.
  227. J.R. Ferron, J.C. DeBoo, T.C. Luce, T.W. Petrie, C.C. Petty, P.A. Politzer, H. Reimerdes, M. Schneider, T.A. Casper, C.T. Holcomb, J.M. Park, M. Murakami, Y. Ou, E. Schuster, E.J. Doyle, Studies in DIII-D of High Beta Discharge Scenarios Appropriate for Steady-state Tokamak Operation With Burning Plasmas, 50th Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Dallas, Texas, November 17-21, 2008.
  228. J.R. Ferron, V. Basiuk, T.A. Casper, J.C. DeBoo, E.J. Doyle, Q. Gao, A.M. Garofalo, C.M. Greenfield, C.T. Holcomb, T.C. Luce, M. Murakami, Y. Ou, C.C. Petty, P.A. Politzer, H. Reimerdes, E. Schuster, M. Schneider, and A. Wang, Development in DIII-D of High Beta Discharges Appropriate for Steady-state Tokamak Operation With Burning Plasmas, 22nd IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Geneva, Switzerland, 13-18 October 2008.
  229. E.J. Strait, (E. Schuster), et al. (Collaboration Paper), DIII-D Research in Support of ITER, 22nd IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Geneva, Switzerland, 13-18 October 2008.
  230. D.A. Gates, (E. Schuster), et al. (Collaboration Paper), Overview of Results from the National Spherical Torus Experiment (NSTX), 22nd IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Geneva, Switzerland, 13-18 October 2008.
  231. Carlos E. Romero, Zheng Yao, Fengqi Si, Eugenio Schuster, Robert L. Morey, Jacob A. Peter, Barry N. Liebowitz, Optimization of SCR system at Cayuga Unit 1, 25th International Pittsburgh Coal Conference, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, September 29-October 2, 2008.
  232. J. Dalessio, E. Schuster, D.A. Humphreys, M.L. Walker, Y. In, J-S. Kim, Model-based Control of the Resistive Wall Mode in DIII-D: A Comparison Study, 25th Symposium on Fusion Technology, Rostock, Germany, September 15-19, 2008.
  233. M. Alsarheed, E. Schuster, D. Gates, J. Leuer, M. Walker, D. Humphreys, Model-Based Shape Control Design for the National Spherical Torus Experiment (NSTX), 49th Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Orlando, Florida, November 12-16, 2007.
  234. J. Woodby, E. Schuster, G. Bateman, A.H. Kritz and A. Pankin, Simulations of NTM Stabilization using Current Drive Offset Relative to the ISLAND Center, 49th Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Orlando, Florida, November 12-16, 2007.
  235. D. Sondak, E. Schuster, M.L. Walker, Tokamak Plasma Equilibrium Controllability Limitations Due to Delays, 49th Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Orlando, Florida, November 12-16, 2007.
  236. J.R. Ferron, P. Gohil, C.M. Greenfield, T.C. Luce, C.C. Petty, P.A. Politzer, V. Basiuk, F. Imbeaux, M. Schneider, T.A. Casper, M. Murakami, Y. Ou, E. Schuster, Q. Gao, A. Wang, Measurement and Modeling of the Response of the Current Profile Evolution to Feedback Control Actuators in DIII-D, 49th Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Orlando, Florida, November 12-16, 2007.
  237. Y. In, J.S. Kim, J. Kim, D.A. Humphreys, G.L. Jackson, R.D. Johnson, R.J. La Haye, E.J. Strait, M.L. Walker, A.M. Garofalo, H. Reimerdes, M. Okabayashi, E. Schuster, Development of State-Space Model-Based Kalman Filter for n>=1 Resistive Wall Mode (RWM), 49th Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Orlando, Florida, November 12-16, 2007.
  238. Y. Ou, C. Xu, E. Schuster, T.C. Luce, J. Ferron, M. Walker, D. Humphreys, T. Casper, W. Meyer, Development of Model-Based Feedback Control for the Current Profile in DIII-D, 49th Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Orlando, Florida, November 12-16, 2007.
  239. J. Dalessio, E. Schuster, M. Walker, D. Humphreys, Y. In, J-S. Kim, Robust Control of Resistive Wall Mode in DIII-D Based on Eigenmode Approach, 49th Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Orlando, Florida, November 12-16, 2007.
  240. M. Walker, D. Humphreys, J.A. Leuer, B. Xiao, S.H. Hahn, E. Schuster, Y. Ou, M. Alsarheed, D. Gates, T. Casper. W. Meyer, Model-Based Design for Operational Plasma Shape Control in DIII-D, 49th Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Orlando, Florida, November 12-16, 2007.
  241. C. Xu, Y. Ou, E. Schuster, T.C. Luce, J. Ferron, M. Walker, D. Humphreys, T. Casper, W. Meyer, ROM-Based Current Profile Control in DIII-D, 49th Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Orlando, Florida, November 12-16, 2007.
  242. C. Xu, E. Schuster, and C.K. Allen, On the Stability of the Linearized Kapchinskij-Vladimirskij Equations, 2007 Particle Accelerators Conference, Albuquerque, NM, USA, June 25-29, 2007.
  243. J.R. Ferron, P. Gohil, C.M. Greenfield, T.C. Luce, C.C. Petty, P.A. Politzer, M.R. Wade, V. Basiuk, F. Imbeaux, T.A. Casper, M. Murakami, Y. Ou, E. Schuster, Q. Gao, A. Wang, Modeling of DIII-D Discharges With Feedback Control of the Safety Factor Profile Evolution, 48th Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, October 30-November 3, 2006.
  244. Y. Ou, C. Xu, E. Schuster, T.C. Luce, J.R. Ferron, M.L. Walker and D.A. Humphreys, Modeling for Control of the Current Profile Evolution During the Ramp-Up Phase at DIII-D, 48th Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, October 30-November 3, 2006.
  245. J. Woodby, L. Luo, E. Schuster, G. Bateman, A.H. Kritz and F.D. Halpern, Adaptive Extremum Seeking Control of ECCD for NTM Stabilization, 48th Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, October 30-November 3, 2006.
  246. L. Luo, J. Woodby, E. Schuster, G. Bateman, A.H. Kritz and F.D. Halpern, ECCD Power Required for NTM Stabilization, 48th Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, October 30-November 3, 2006.
  247. J. Blair, E. Schuster, D.A. Humphreys, Y. In, M.L. Walker and A. Welander, Control of Resistive Wall Mode Using a Matched Filter Eigenmode Approach, 48th Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, October 30-November 3, 2006.
  248. D.A. Humphreys, M. Bakhtiari, J. Blair, J.R. Ferron, Y. In, G.L. Jackson, H. Jhang, R.D. Johnson, J.S. Kim, R.J. La Haye, J.A. Leuer, B.G. Penaflor, E. Schuster, M.L. Walker, H. Wang, A.S. Welander, D.G. Whyte, Development of ITER-Relevant Plasma Control Solutions at DIII-D, 21st IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Chengdu, China, October 16-21, 2006.
  249. J.R. Ferron, V. Basiuk, T.A. Casper, E.J. Doyle, Q. Gao, P. Gohil, C.M. Greenfield, F. Imbeaux, J. Lohr, T.C. Luce, M.A. Makowski, D. Mazon, M. Murakami, Y. Ou, J.-M. Park, C.C. Petty, P.A. Politzer, T.L. Rhodes, M. Schneider, E. Schuster, M.A. Van Zeeland, M.R. Wade, and A. Wang, Feedback Control of the Safety Factor Profile in DIII-D Advanced Tokamak Discharges, 21st IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Chengdu, China, October 16-21, 2006.
  250. M. Wade, (E. Schuster), et al. (Collaboration Paper), Development in the DIII-D Tokamak of Advanced Operating Scenarios and Associated Control Techniques for ITER, 21st IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Chengdu, China, October 16-21, 2006.
  251. Y. Ou, M.L. Walker, E. Schuster and J.R. Ferron, Equilibrium Reconstruction Improvement via Kalman-filter-based Vessel Current Estimation at DIII-D, 24th Symposium on Fusion Technology, Warsaw, Poland, September 11-15, 2006.
  252. Y. Ou, T.C. Luce, E. Schuster, J.R. Ferron, M.L. Walker, C. Xu, and D.A. Humphreys, Model-based Current Profile Control at DIII-D, 24th Symposium on Fusion Technology, Warsaw, Poland, September 11-15, 2006.
  253. E. Schuster and L. Luo, Mixing Enhancement by Boundary Feedback Control in 2D MHD Channel Flow: A Numerical Study, 37th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Jun. 2006.
  254. K.C. Gross and E. Schuster, Spectral Decomposition and Reconstruction of Telemetry Signals from Enterprise Computing Systems, 2005 International MultiConference in Computer Science and Computer Engineering, Conference on Computer Design (CDES'05), Las Vegas, USA, June 2005.
  255. E. Schuster, C.K. Allen and M. Krstic, Optimized Beam Matching Using Extremum Seeking, 2005 Particle Accelerators Conference, Knoxville, Tennessee, USA, May 2005.
  256. C.K. Allen and E. Schuster, Automated Beam Steering Using Optimal Control, 2005 Particle Accelerators Conference, Knoxville, Tennessee, USA, May 2005.
  257. E. Schuster, M.L. Walker, D.A. Humphreys and M. Krstic, Implementation of an Anti-Windup Scheme for Vertical Controllability in the DIII-D Tokamak, 20th IEEE Symposium on Fusion Energy, San Diego, CA, USA, Oct. 2003.
  258. M.L. Walker, D.A. Humphreys, J. Leuer and E. Schuster, Some Practical Control Issues on the DIII-D Tokamak and their Relevance for ITER, 20th IEEE Symposium on Fusion Energy, San Diego, CA, USA, Oct. 2003.
  259. K. Gross and E. Schuster, Dynamical System Characterization of Enterprise Servers, Statistical and Mathematical Modeling Summit, Crossroads CR, MPK11, June 2003.
  260. M.L. Walker, J.R. Ferron, D.A. Humphreys, R.D. Johnson, J.A. Leuer, B.G. Penaflor, A. Pironti, M. Ariola and E. Schuster, Next-Generation Plasma Control in the DIII-D Tokamak, 22nd Symposium on Fusion Technology, Helsinki, Finland, Sept. 2002.
  261. E. Schuster, M. Krstic and G. Tynan, Nonlinear Lyapunov-Based Burn Control in Fusion Reactors, 6th International Symposium on Fusion Nuclear Technology, San Diego, CA, USA, Apr. 2002.
  262. E. Schuster, M. Krstic and G. Tynan, Nonlinear Burn Control in Fusion Reactors, 19th IEEE Symposium on Fusion Energy, Atlantic City, NJ, USA, Sep. 2001 (Postponed to Jan. 2002).