Hybrid Model Predictive Control of the Current Profile in NSTX-U

B. Leard, Z. Wang, S.T. Paruchuri, T. Rafiq, E. Schuster

29th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference

London, UK, October 16-21, 2023


A novel hybrid Model Predictive Control (MPC) algorithm has been designed for simultaneous safety factor (q) profile and stored energy (W) control while incorporating the pulse-width-modulation constraints associated with the neutral beam injection system. Regulation of the q-profile has been extensively shown to be a key factor for improved confinement as well as non-inductive sustainment of the plasma current. Simultaneous control of W is necessary to prevent the triggering of pressure-driven magnetohydrodynamic instabilities as the controller shapes the q profile. Conventional MPC schemes proposed for q-profile control have considered the NBI powers as continuous-time signals, ignoring the discrete-time nature of these actuators and leading in some cases to performance loss. The hybrid MPC scheme in this work has the capability of incorporating the discrete-time actuator dynamics as additional constraints. In nonlinear simulations, the proposed hybrid MPC scheme demonstrates improved q-profile+W control performance for NSTX-U operating scenarios.