Model Predictive Current Profile Control in Tokamaks by Exploiting Spatially Moving Electron Cyclotron Current Drives
S.T. Paruchuri, T. Rafiq and E. Schuster
Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT)
September 18-23, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 2022
The plasma control systems in next-generation tokamaks like ITER will
balance competing control objectives to achieve the desired level of
performance in advanced scenarios while preventing magnetohydrodynamics
instabilities and disruptions. During conventional tokamak discharges,
the deposition profile of the electron cyclotron current drive (ECCD)
is usually fixed in space. However, the deposition profile can be modified
in real-time by changing the angles of the mirrors that reflect the
electromagnetic waves generated by the ECCD. Altering the deposition
profile, in turn, varies the controllability of the system. For instance,
changing the ECCD deposition profile may place the power demands necessary
to achieve a particular scenario within saturation limits. Therefore,
using the ECCD position, which is related to the ECCD mirror angle, as
a supplementary controllable variable may facilitate access to a given
target scenario. However, active control algorithms have not been designed
so far to fully exploit this capability in real time. In this work, a
model predictive controller that can handle actuation locations as control
inputs is developed. In particular, the controller is designed to regulate
both the auxiliary powers and the ECCD positions in a pre-defined optimal
sense to achieve the control objective of attaining and sustaining a target
current profile. The proposed controller is tested for a DIII-D tokamak
scenario in nonlinear simulations using the Control Oriented Transport
SIMulator (COTSIM).
*Supported by the US DOE under DE-SC0010661.