Scenario Planning in Tokamaks by Integrating Free-boundary Equilibrium and Fast Transport Solvers into a Model-based Optimization Scheme
X. Song, Z. Wang, B. Leard, T. Rafiq, E. Schuster
65th Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS)
Denver, CO, USA, October 30 – November 3, 2023
Model-based optimization in tokamaks has the potential of successfully
generating feedforward-control policies capable of achieving an advanced
scenario characterized by weak magnetic shear, electron internal transport
barriers (e-ITBs), and an unfavorable plasma configuration. The optimization
scheme integrates free-boundary equilibrium (FBE) and fast transport (FT)
solvers, enabling efficient trajectory planning for the powers of available
heating and current drive systems (H&CDs) and the currents of the poloidal-field
(PF) coils. In the FBE solver, the toroidal current density is parameterized
by using polynomials based on the normalized poloidal flux function. This
parameterization is constrained by the plasma current prescribed by the
designer and the poloidal beta computed by the FT solver. The FT solver,
utilizing different transport and source models while leveraging the equilibrium
configuration computed by the FBE solver, provides solutions for the electron
heat transport equation (EHTE) and the magnetic diffusion equation (MDE).
The optimization scheme takes into account limitations imposed on actuators
and the plasma state, including the requirement to maintain qmin above
specific thresholds to avoid associated MHD instabilities. Optimized evolutions
are determined for the PF-coil currents and the H&CD powers of the EAST
tokamak to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.
*Supported by the US DOE under DE-SC0010537.