Model-based Control of the Current Profile Dynamics in KSTAR: Status, Plans and Needs
E. Schuster, T. Rafiq, W.P. Wehner, H.-S. Kim, S.-H. Hahn, Y.-M. Jeon, M.D. Boyer, S. A. Sabbagh, M.L. Walker, D.A. Humphreys
KSTAR Conference
Muju, South Korea, February 21-23, 2018
Setting up a suitable current profile, usually defined in terms of the
safety factor q or the rotational transform ι profiles, plays a critical
role in the achievement of advanced tokamak scenarios characterized by
high confinement and the non-inductive sustainment of the plasma current
necessary for steady-state operation. Robust current profile control
algorithms need therefore to be developed to provide reliable access to
the conditions necessary to meet the KSTAR steady-state mission. The
high dimensionality of this problem, along with the strong nonlinear
coupling between magnetic and kinetic profiles motivates the use of
model-based control synthesis that can accommodate this complexity
through embedding the known physics within the design. Tight regulation
of the q profile together with control of some other critical plasma
properties such as βN is made possible by combining off-line (feedforward
control) and on-line (feedback control) model-based optimization. At
the core of both optimization solutions are physics-based, control-oriented
models of different complexities (off-line optimization: nonlinear model,
on-line optimization: linear model) capturing the dominant physics of
the q-profile and βN responses to the available actuators (H&CD systems).
This model-based optimal control approach to current profile regulation
for steady-state scenario achievement and sustainment has already been
demonstrated experimentally on DIII-D. Plans for extending this approach
to KSTAR will be discussed.