Model Predictive Control Design for q-profile Shaping in EAST
Z. Wang, H. Wang, E. Schuster, Y. Huang, Z. Luo, Q. Yuan, B. Xiao, D. Humphreys
Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS)
Remote, November 9-13, 2020
Extensive studies have shown that control capabilities for shaping the
spatial profile of the toroidal current density, or equivalently the
safety factor q or the gradient of the poloidal magnetic flux, are
essential for achieving advanced modes of operation, which are
characterized by confinement improvement and pos- sible steady-state
operation. In this work, a model predictive control (MPC) design approach
has been followed to further develop such control capabilities at EAST.
A first-principles-driven, control-oriented model for the poloidal
magnetic-flux profile evolution is used to design the MPC controller,
which has the capability of simulta- neously regulating the q profile
and the plasma stored energy W by controlling the plasma current Ip and
the individual powers of four neutral beam injectors (NBI1L, NBI1R,
NBI2L, NBI2R) and two lower hybrid wave sources (2.45 GHz, 4.60 GHz).
Nonlinear simulations show that the controller can effectively regulate
the q profile and W. The proposed control law has been implemented in
the recently developed Profile Control category in the EAST Plasma
Control System (PCS) with the ulti- mate goal of testing them experimentally.
Both simulation and experiment results will be reported to assess the
effectiveness of the proposed control capability.