Simulation of Thermal, Particle, Impurity, and Momentum Transport in NSTX Discharges Using the Multi-Mode Anomalous Transport Module
T. Rafiq, C. Wilson, J. Weiland, E. Schuster
Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS)
Spokane, WA, USA, October 17-21, 2022
The theory-based multi-species multi-fluid multi-mode anomalous
transport module (MMM) [T. Rafiq et al. Phys Plasmas 20, 032506 (2013)]
is utilized to calculate electron/ion thermal, electron particle,
impurity, toroidal, and poloidal momentum transport in low, medium,
and high collisionality NSTX discharges. The effects of isotope mass
on transport are also investigated. The ion thermal transport is found
to be close to zero in the core of NSTX plasmas with equilibrium flow
shear. The results agree with NSTX experiments and gyrokinetic ion-scale
simulation on the fact that ion thermal transport is neoclassical. The
electron thermal transport is found to be anomalous due to unstable
electron temperature gradients and microtearing modes. The latest
version of MMM includes ion and electron temperature gradient modes,
trapped electron modes, peeling and kinetic ballooning modes, drift
Alfven modes, microtearing modes, ideal MHD, and drift resistive inertial
ballooning modes. The goal is to implement MMM in the integrated modeling
code TRANSP in order to not only compute the temperature, density,
current, rotation, and other profiles that are measured in existing
experiments, but to also extrapolate these predictions to future planned
*Supported by the US DOE DE-SC0021385 and DE-SC0013977.