Linear stability analysis of ion-scale microturbulence in low and high collisionality NSTX discharges
C.F. Clauser, W. Guttenfelder, T. Rafiq, E. Schuster
Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS)
Pittsburgh, PA, USA (Remote), November 8-12, 2021
Future NSTX-U discharges will focus on low collisionality regimes where
turbulence-driven thermal transport could play a critical role. The
gyrokinetic code CGYRO is used to analyze a high-beta and high-collisionality
NSTX discharge in both electrostatic and electromagnetic limits to better
understand the transition from high to low collisionality regimes and
the influence of anomalous thermal transport on the energy confinement
time. Microinstabilities such as ion temperature gradient and trapped
electron modes are shown to be stable in the electrostatic limit due to
the effects of flow shear. In the electromagnetic limit, on the other
hand, kinetic ballooning modes and microtearing modes are shown to be
unstable, with the latter being the dominant instability when experimental
profile values are used. Scans of a variety of parameters, including
ion temperature gradient, pressure gradient, electron beta, and wave
number, are performed to examine these instabilities and their stability
thresholds. The results of a low collisionality NSTX discharge are also
compared to those of a high collisionality discharge. Finally, the NSTX-U
low collisionality expecting conditions are investigated. The results
are contrasted to gain a better understanding of the impact of
collisionality on these regimes.
*Supported by the US DOE under DE-SC0021385.