Faster-than-real-time predictions and feedback control algorithm design and testing enabled by TRANSP
M. D. Boyer, K. G. Erickson, J-H. Ahn, J. Carlsson, S. Kaye, R. Nazikian, E. Schuster, S. A. Sabbagh
KSTAR Conference
Muju, South Korea, February 21-23, 2018
Present-day and next step tokamaks will require precise control of
plasma conditions, including the spatial distribution of rotation and
current profiles, in order to optimize performance and avoid physics
and operational constraints. This motivates expanding the availability
of diagnostics in real-time as well as developing physics-model-based
approaches to real-time plasma condition estimation, feedback control,
and scenario forecasting. This work describes several ways in which the
interpretive and predictive modeling code TRANSP is being used to enable
model-based control development. TRANSP analysis has been used to
develop reduced models capable of faster-than-real-time execution for
forecasting and optimization, including a neural network that enables
rapid evaluation of the beam heating, torque, and current drive profiles.
TRANSP has also been used to identify control-oriented models for use
in profile control algorithm design on NSTX-U. Finally, a method for
implementing feedback algorithms within high-fidelity TRANSP simulations
has been used to verify controller performance with the goal of reducing
experimental commissioning time. A more general approach to control
algorithm testing that enables linking TRANSP to Simulink is currently
being developed. To support the increased real-time computing resources
required for real-time predictive modeling, new hardware and software
solutions to real-time communication in the Plasma Control System are
being studied. Plans for applying the approaches described here on
KSTAR will be discussed.