Fast model-based scenario optimization in NSTX-U enabled by analytic gradient computation
B. Leard, S.T. Paruchuri, T. Rafiq and E. Schuster
Fusion Engineering and Design 192 (2023) 113606
Model-based optimization offers a systematic approach to advanced scenario planning. In this case, the
feedforward-control inputs (actuator trajectories) that are needed to attain and sustain a desired scenario are
obtained by solving a nonlinear constrained optimization problem. This class of problems generally minimize
a cost function that measures the difference between desired and actual plasma states. Several numerical
optimization algorithms, such as sequential quadratic programming, require repeated calculation of the cost
function gradients with respect to the input trajectories. Calculating these gradients numerically can be
computationally intensive, increasing the time needed to solve the feedforward-control optimization problem.
This work introduces a method to analytically calculate these cost function gradients from the current profile
evolution model. This can significantly reduce the computational time and allow for fast feedforward-control
optimization, which would eventually enable optimal scenario planning between discharges. The performance
of the feedforward optimizer with analytical gradients is compared to a traditional optimization algorithm
based on numerical gradients for different NSTX-U scenarios. The plasma dynamics in the optimization
algorithm are simulated using the Control Oriented Transport SIMulator (COTSIM). Results of the work
show that analytical gradients consistently reduce the computation time while achieving trajectories that are
comparable to those obtained by traditional optimization algorithms based on numerical gradients.