Model-based linear–quadratic–integral controller for simultaneous regulation of the current profile and normalized beta in NSTX-U

H. Al Khawaldeh, B. Leard, S.T. Paruchuri, T. Rafiq and E. Schuster

Fusion Engineering and Design 192 (2023) 113795


Achieving advanced scenarios that are characterized by steady-state operation, stable plasma confinement, and high-performance plasmas is one of the primary objectives of the National Spherical Tokamak eXperiment- Upgrade (NSTX-U). Active control of the plasma may be necessary to achieve these conditions. In particular, control algorithms that can simultaneously optimize the shapes and values of plasma profiles and scalars, respectively, may play a critical role in robustly achieving and sustaining these advanced scenarios. In this work, a model-based optimal control algorithm is developed for feedback control of the current profile in NSTX-U. The linear, finite-dimensional, control model is derived by discretizing and linearizing the magnetic diffusion equation in combination with empirical correlations for electron density, electron temperature, and noninductive current drives. The linear, time-variant model is then used for designing a linear–quadratic– integral (LQI) controller that is capable of regulating both the safety factor and the normalized beta around desired targets. The controller determines the neutral beam injection powers and the overall plasma current that are needed to achieve the desired current profile and normalized beta. The proposed controller is tested in higher-fidelity nonlinear simulations that employ 1D models for the evolutions of both current and temperature profiles using the Control Oriented Transport SIMulator (COTSIM). The closed-loop simulations show the effectiveness of the controller at shaping the safety factor in NSTX-U while achieving the desired normalized beta.