Lyapunov-based nonlinear control of nonautonomous systems with individual input constraints
S. T. Paruchuri, A. Pajares, E. Schuster
Automatica 173 (2025) 111998
A control algorithm that can locally stabilize a specific class of multi-input
multi-output nonautonomous nonlinear dynamical systems while satisfying
individual input constraints is developed. The proposed Lyapunov-based
state-feedback control law inherently accounts for the actuator amplitude
saturation limits without the need for computationally expensive real-time
optimization techniques. In addition to the control law, a formal definition
for the local “controllable region” within which the controller can
asymptotically drive the system states to the origin and satisfy the
input saturation limits is also presented. The nonautonomous nature of
the system dynamics implies that the “controllable region” continuously
evolves with time. Therefore, a sufficient condition to maintain the system
states within the “controllable region” is proposed in this work to make
practical implementation feasible. The effectiveness of the controller is
tested for a specific control problem arising in tokamaks, which are toroidal
devices that use strong magnetic fields to confine a plasma (hot ionized gas).
The primary emphasis of tokamak research is to regulate the plasma properties
around predetermined values to achieve stable plasma confinement. Nonlinear
simulations show that the proposed controller can achieve the desired plasma
control objectives in a DIII-D tokamak scenario.