Closed-loop Control of the Safety Factor Profile in the TCV Tokamak

J. Barton, E. Schuster, F. Felici and O. Sauter

53rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control

Los Angeles, California, USA, December 15-17, 2014


A key property that has a close relationship to both the performance and stability of the plasma in nuclear fusion tokamak devices is the safety factor profile (q-profile). As a result, extensive research has been conducted to develop algorithms to actively control the evolution of the q-profile with the goal of optimizing the tokamak approach to nuclear fusion energy production. The actuators that can be utilized to control the q-profile are the total plasma current, the auxiliary heating/current-drive system and the line-average electron density. In this work, we first investigate the effect that the control input direction associated with pure plasma heating has on the q-profile in low performance (L-mode) operating scenarios in the TCV tokamak. Secondly, we design feedback controllers that utilize the total plasma current and exclusively the current-drive capabilities of the auxiliary sources to control the q-profile in L-mode scenarios in TCV. The controllers are designed to put emphasis on achieving the target q-profile in different spatial regions as well as to respond differently to errors in the q-profile. The control performance of each controller is tested with the simplified physics-based plasma profile simulation code RAPTOR. The comparison of the closed- loop performance of these controllers is done in preparation for future q-profile control experiments in the TCV tokamak.