Predictive Control of the Tokamak q Profile to Facilitate Reproducibility of High-qmin Steady-State Scenarios at DIII-D

W.P. Wehner, M. Lauret, E. Schuster, J.R. Ferron, C. Holcomb, T.C. Luce, D.A. Humphreys, M.L. Walker, B.G. Penaflor and R.D. Johnson

IEEE Multi-conference on Systems and Control

Buenos Aires, Argentina, September 19-22, 2016


We consider control of the q profile while simultaneously regulating the plasma stored energy for the DIII-D tokamak. The main objective is to improve the shot-to-shot reproducibility and facilitate the accessibility of operating conditions that have steady-state potential, i.e. plasmas with large non-inductive current drive fractions. At DIII-D, non-inductive current sources including electron cyclotron current drive (ECCD) and neutral beam injection (NBI) allow the possibility of shaping the plasma current density distribution, and therefore enabling control of the q profile. A feedback controller is designed in a model predictive control framework to regulate the q profile while simultaneously regulating the plasma stored energy. The effectiveness of the control approach is demonstrated with experiments.